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  • Writer's pictureMichael Inman

Finally some Gardening! Monday 15th November:

Today was a brilliantly sunny autumnal day to get started with the garden. Id spent the first half of the day helping with the payback team (A brilliant group from the council helping with DIY related things) Begin repairs and painting within the shed - Its incredible what a bit of paint can do to a space!. Id decided to go for a bright white interior to really brighten up what otherwise was a really dark space as to also keep the walls neutral as often studio spaces go for this simple interior. Ive been drawing up a few ideas of potential art for the shed inside or outside exploring a lot of design that's based on how the Pictish cultures of old saw the world around them. Yet these ideas are very much still on the drawing bord as the exact placements of the designs and how exactly and what they are to be painted with is still being decided on by the Craigmillar now team.

The team in fact are currently coming up with plenty of ideas for the shed from a studio space, workshop area, to a community seed libary space where seeds would be stored and exchanged from so do stay tuned to find out where all this eventually leads as its all sounding rather exiting!

with the second half of the day I as the title suggests finally got round to doing some gardening. It was time to clear out the vegetable beds moving what was left over from the festival in August, mostly onions with the occasional potato's persuading a few lucky archivists to take them all for us. Now there should be a nice blank garden space to begin to develop for the sowing of the dye garden in the upcoming spring.

Here's a wee before picture as I lay the foundations of the new growing space

looking at the space I decided to expand on the growing areas that exist in the area to make the most of the space we have, for at the moment apart from the main raised bed theres just a lot of woodchip around this part of the garden.

with having a good rummage around the site id found a lot of leftover stone, brick and broken paving slabs lying around so I decided to make the most of them constructing a new plat bed area along the side of the fence. Here im hoping in future to add some nice tall, bright and wildlife friendly dye plants.

And here is the Planting bed all finished!

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